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Militarism and the Environment: Impacts on Palestine

Knowledge Share Description

Many wars and genocides in Western Asia over the past 75 years have displaced people from their homelands and have left ecological devastation. The current genocide being committed on the Gaza strip is an ongoing case of the ways militaristic violence disposes of land and people. Our interests as environmentalists are the effects of war (including pre-war activities, active war, and post war impact). Here we review impacts on the Palestinian environment from activities since 1948 (establishment of the state of Israel): pre-occupation (such as training sites, military bases, military installation), during occupation (use of different munitions, pollution, altering habitats), and post-occupation (unexploded munitions, groundwater pollution, devastated landscape). The data show significant, short-term and long-term environmental damage. While more studies are needed and encouraged, the data shows that environmental and human health impacts need to be more prominently highlighted in public discourse, and remedial actions must be taken in deteriorating situations like Israel’s occupation of Palestine.

We will explore:

  • Militarism’s ecological impacts on the land and people

  • Israel’s occupation of Palestine and the destruction of Palestinian ecology

  • Groundwater pollution

  • The occupation’s impacts on flora and fauna

  • Israel’s weaponization of the land


$35 - low income

$50 - standard

$75 - pay-it-forward (if you have financial abundance, this is our pay-it-forward option to fund our full tuition scholarships)

The zoom link will be sent upon registration. Recording will be available for 30 days.

Please apply here for a scholarship.

FREE for Palestinian community. You can either use the scholarship form or email us at to receive code

Accessibility Information

*ASR (automated) captioning provided

Virtual Gathering

The knowledge share zoom link will be sent out immediately upon purchase, along with any other necessary information.

5:00pm - 7:00pm Eastern Standard Time

Class will be recorded and available for 30 days.


Professor Mazin Qumsiyeh previously served at US universities including Tennessee, Duke and Yale. He is founder and volunteer director of the Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability (PIBS) at Bethlehem University (our latest annual report here). Qumsiyeh has published over 180 scientific papers, over 30 book chapters, hundreds of articles, and several books including “Sharing the Land of Canaan” and “Popular Resistance in Palestine” on topics ranging from environmental impact of colonization to environmental and climate justice to cultural heritage to human rights to biodiversity conservation to cancer. He has overseen a number of projects ranging from formulating the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan to empowerment projects with farmers, women, and children that benefitted tens of thousands. He is laureate of the Paul K. Feyerabend Foundation award the Takreem award, peaceseeker of the year award, among others.

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